Friday, 8 July 2011

Yay for Lettuce (and beetroot and pak choi)

My lettuce has started growing!! It'll be a while until it's big enough to eat, but it was very exciting to see those tiny green leaves when I looked out the window last night! We've also got tiny green shoots of beetroot and pak choi, plus some huge tomatoes on the tomato plant, still pretty green though.

Natalie got very tired last night, she'd spent the afternoon entertaining her little friends from our antenatal class, as 3 of the mums and babies came over for a cuppa and a chat. We decided to pick a day when we'd get together every week to ensure that it happened as trying to pick a date when we're all free each week would be impossible so this way it's already in our diaries! It's working really well - we rotate round each other's houses or go out somewhere, and I really appreciate the support from chatting about all our experiences. It's really interesting seeing how all our babies tend to do the same things at similar times!

Anyway, Natalie was shattered by the evening, and Pete put her down on the sofa for a minute while he grabbed a muslin and she fell straight asleep!!

Next Wednesday a few of us are going to the Phoenix Picture House cinema - they have a weekly event called 'Big Scream' where parents can go with their babies at 11.30am and watch a film (and it only costs a fiver!). They leave the light's up slightly more than usual so you can see well enough to feed your baby, and if they start crying it doesn't matter because the film is loud enough to still be heard! This weeks film is 'The Tree of Life' (or "something about a tree with Brad Pitt in it" as my friend Lucy described it!!), looks quite good!

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