On Saturday we had a failed attempt at Natalie's first swim - the pool was shut all day for a swimming gala! It was a bit of a shame because we'd psyched ourselves up for it, but we're going to try again tonight as soon as Pete gets home from work.
We had some friends over on Sunday afternoon to make cakes because we discovered a few weeks ago that some of the guys we know have never made a cake before!
Natalie woke up in the middle of the night last night which she hasn't done for a while (she's gotten very good at sleeping through), and it threw us off a bit - we can normally rely on her to be our alarm clock but she didn't wake up this morning until 8.35am, and neither did we - eek!! Pete had to grab some clothes and fly out the door to get to work on time, and we had to quickly get fed and dressed because we were going to baby massage at the local Children's Centre at 10am. Luckily we all made it to where we needed to go (almost) on time.
When we got to the Children's Centre we were a little bit worried to find out that the lady that runs the massage group was on holiday so it wasn't on, but someone checked for us and it turned out that even though the leader was away the mums who've been attending for a while were going to be doing it anyway and they were happy to teach us the moves! It was a great little group where we were instantly welcomed and Natalie seemed to love the foot and leg section of the massage. She didn't mind the tummy bits either, but when we got to the back she got a bit grizzly - she's still not great at holding her head up when she's lying on her tummy. So all in all I'd say that was a success and I'm planning on going every week. Next week there's a first aid course running that I've signed up for, I may try and find a babysitter for the two and a half hours I'll be out of the house but they said we could bring the babies if we cant get a sitter - could be tricky as I've never left her for that long while she's awake (and across a feed time).
Now I'm back at home I've noticed how much the garden's grown over the weekend! I need to get weeding the flowerbeds - I'd been leaving the little leaves that appeared because I thought they were more poppies growing, but now they look more like potatoes - whoops!
I also need to thin out the veggies a bit or we'll end up with miniature veg again like we did on our balcony garden in the flat we used to live in!
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