Wednesday, 20 July 2011


We've had progress in a few areas over the last couple of days...

We went swimming on Monday evening for the first time with Natalie! I wouldn't say she 'liked' it, but she didn't cry so we'll take that as a positive sign. We had to lower her in very gradually because she looked very unimpressed when we just went all the way in straight away, but after a while she got used to all the new noises and sensations. The swimming nappy seemed to work, although that may be because she waited until we were out of the pool and the nappy was off to do a wee...all over her towel! I managed to get in a few lengths too while Pete stayed with Natalie in the baby pool. We're going to try and go at least every fortnight in the hope that Natalie will eventually love it - it took my friend's baby 3 weeks before he smiled in the water, so watch this space.

We tried a new recipe: beef, courgette and potato pie - yum! It was really tasty and a great reward after it took Natalie nearly an hour to drink her bedtime bottle of milk (what's that about!!). It took about an hour in the oven so luckily we popped it in before we started the bedtime routine!

Natalie's first teeth are almost here and unconventionally it looks like it'll be her fangs that appear first! She's started waking up in the middle of the night again and I'm assuming that it's her teeth that are causing it - I hope they pop through soon so we can get a bit more sleep!

Double progress last night when I got stuck into weeding the garden and inadvertently got stuck into an hour long chat with our neighbours! I feel like I know them loads better now, and was able to lend them some cake tins and WD40!

Natalie finally fits into the dress her granny made for her the day she was born - YAY! I think she looks very cute in it too - the flower on the front is made from fabric from my bridesmaid dresses (2 year old fabric - that's practically vintage for Natalie!)

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