Thursday, 21 July 2011

Creative in pyjamas

I spent most of yesterday in pyjamas because I was feeling exhausted from the few nights of disturbed sleep we've had courtesy of Natalie. The plan was to try and nap when Natalie did, but I couldn't quite manage that, so instead I browsed the internet for creative ideas and spotted these lovely quilts:

from oliverands

from jcasa

from onegirl

I want to make something similar that we can use as a play mat/ picnic blanket in the garden, but I think that project will have to wait until we've sold our car and we have a bit more of a disposable income again.

Anyway, whilst browsing the internet I felt inspired to create, so I got out my boxes of paper and fabric scraps and got crafting! I made some bookmarks inspired by ones I found on an italian blog:

and I started making some fruity pictures inspired by some I found on

I also got a lovely belated wedding gift through the post from my kiwi friend Anita - it was a cute tile with a fern on it - Thanks Anita!!

This morning I decided to give tummy time another go - normally Natalie hates it but as the health visitor told me she should spend at least 20 minutes a day on her tummy I've been persevering and today I added a cushion into the mix, which actually made it more bearable for her - for 30 seconds at least!

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