Wednesday 22 June 2011

Happy Fathers Day - from the soon not to be toothless wonder!

I've just had a mammoth weekend of trying to surprise Pete, with Saturday being his birthday and Sunday being Fathers Day! Prior to this weekend Natalie had been sleeping through the night (it was amazing, 7.30pm until 7am!!), but on Friday night her pattern changed again and she woke up at 5.30am and wouldn't go back to sleep, so we started our day then.  Daddy's present from Natalie was a little plaque imprinted with her footprints, and we all had a lovely breakfast with Granny and Grandad before opening our house up to our friends for a birthday BBQ.  In true British style it rained - but Pete was determined to use his new birthday present (a spangly gas BBQ) so people took turns holding up a golf umbrella over the birthday boy while he cooked. 

When Natalie woke up at 2.30am for a feed I told Pete to stay in bed and I went to get her, sneakily changing her into a vest that I'd decorated with fabric pens to say 'I love you Daddy, Happy Fathers Day' ready for Pete to discover when he got her dressed the next morning.  We had a yummy breakfast of blueberry pancakes (I found a 500g tub of blueberries in Tesco for £3.50 - BONUS!) before heading off to church (on time for a change!).  By the afternoon I was shattered, after having a lot less sleep than I'd far too quickly gotten used to - I still haven't quite recovered yet, may need to start taking daytime naps again! 

We think that Natalie is teething - I know, it seems really early, she's only 11 weeks old - but Pete and his brother and sister all got teeth at 3 months, and although I was in denial that this would happen to Natalie, I think that's what's causing the change in her sleep pattern (well, teething combined with a growth spurt).  She's started biting on my finger instead of sucking it now, and she's been dribbling all over the place, as well as being increasingly grouchy, so I decided to try some Bonjella (which is now banana flavoured - very strange!) and it seemed to stop her crying despite the disgusted face she pulled when I applied it.  Oh well, now I've accepted it I feel more prepared, so tooth fairy....BRING IT ON!!

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